Thursday, 18 February 2016

Rogue 2 Snowspeeder from 1995!

Good day fellow Geeks!

       I figured its about time to get this blog rolling with something from way back when I was but a child. Roughly around the years of 95-97 Micro Machine had a great range of vehicles. One of the first vehicles I ever got was the Rogue 2 Snowspeeder. We know the Snowspeeders to be the cool low flying vehicles that took down the massive AT-ATs on Hoth. They have also been featured in many other stories outside the Battle of Hoth. Anyone remember Rogue Squadron on the N64? So cool to use them outside of the usual snowy backdrop!
        This was a variant of the one seen in "Empire Strikes Back". I remember even at a young age the amount of EU toys coming out and I wish I paid more attention to what everything was! But I digress!
 This toy came with two pilots (one of which has gone MIA) the port and starboard flaps open. Its very cool to see they added blaster damage.

 Overall its a really cool toy, fairly well detailed something I remember noticing even as a kid! It was very nice to be reunited with this after so many years tucked away in a box under a crawlspace!                

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